
Halo Infinite is the funniest game I've played in years - alcantarlexiskings

Halo Infinite is the funniest game I've played in days

Halo Infinite
(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

Halo Infinite is somber and intellectual, swathe upwardly a story players have followed for 20 years with the tolerant of ticker wrenching solemnity you'd expect from a Ring tale. Only Aura Infinite is also hilarious, both intentionally and unintentionally, throughout its integrality, offsetting its seriousness with moments of pitch-perfect physical and communicatory comedy.

With Halo Infinite, 343 Industries achieves something not many other games can: liquid body substance without trying too hard OR coming off likewise cringey. Whether information technology's the hilarious Oink lines that are terminated social media, the brief flashes of a sentiency of humor in Master Chief, or the accidental high jinks of the UNSC United States Marines, Halo Unnumberable is the funniest spirited I've played in a very long time.

Grunt greatness

Halo Infinite

(Image credit: Xbox Spunky Studios)

Halo's grunts have always been uproarious, giving us henchmen humor at its finest since Halo: Combat Evolved. Canonically, grunts (operating theater Unggoy, their official species name) are absolutely absurd: they are skilled-knockabout, squat, and easily felled by approximately anything in Master Chief's hands; they're incredibly poltroon and pusillanimous; and they ingest nutrients through with something titled a 'food nipple', ensuant in a species-wide obsession with nippled-shaped objects. If you've played well-nig any Ring game, you'll have heard grunts discussing a "giant nipple in the sky" or thanking the nipple if a player retreats from combat. Recently, I spotted a Doughnut Infinite TV on Chitter where a grunt says "I look the Spartan went to *public* nipple academy, ha!"

Thanks to great authorship and the ability to throw i more sense of humor into gameplay with skulls like Grunt Birthday Party, which turns grunt deaths into celebrations and IWHBYD (I Would Have Been Your Daddy), which unlocks rare dialogue, the grunts have ever been hilarious. Simply 343 Industries takes their cartoon character formula and runs with it to the bank - Halo Non-finite is expectedly full of grunts for you to mow John L. H. Down, but its story allows for even more opportunities to deploy oink lines that will have you spitting out your drink.

Banished propaganda towers are dotted all over Zeta Halo, cheerful out transmissions that mimic when a kid grabs your earphone and starts recording an Instagram live. Shortly after kill an nonobligatory boss named Bassus, I overhear a grunt transmission assuring the Banished that Bassus had been reassigned to a new post and was "definitely not dead". Another transmission is just now a grunt recitation a poem he wrote for Master Chief that goes "your lineage is red, your teammate's low, your parents get into't remember you", while some other rags on fallible names, calling them the "dumbest-sounding name calling in the galaxy".

Lead story designer Henry Louis Aaron Linde tells me via email that they wrote "a few thousand" lines of dialogue for the grunts, with extra uncommon attention paid to Glibnub, the Banished Minister of Propaganda whose interpreter emanates from the towers. Linde knew Glibnub (voiced past Halo Infinite envision lead Joseph Staten) was a key role, but even he was shocked by how much dialogue he had. "I knew the line count was at least a couple hundred lines just for him, but I had no idea that we had written about an hour of dialogue in total until I saw it every compiled together on YouTube. I guess we went a little hard," atomic number 2 writes.

Social media is full with clips of humorous grunt negotiation, with some so disarmingly funny and meta that I couldn't believe they were real - like one where Glibnub asks if anyone has a part with Xbox controller. I ask Linde about the rarity of the grunt dialogue. "Some are to a greater extent average than others; some only trigger when the I Would Throw Been Your Daddy skull is on. We reserved well-nig of our Easter eggs, equivalent a line where Glibnub makes fun of our names, the 4th-wall thrust, largely to be behind the skull," helium explains.

And Linde has a favorite voice line, unmatchable that isn't fastened behind the IWHBYD skull. "I'm extremely proud the 'Spartan? You There? You ease mad?' line if only because of the gross ton of videos I've seen of people responding to it while playing. Like, literally responding to it, out gimcrack, commonly with a certain kind of murderous glee. Those are the moments we set out to inspire and they slay me every time."

Happy accidents

Halo Infinite

(Image credit: Xbox Game Studios)

Aureole's sandbox also allows players to stumble into loads of elated accidents that will possess you rolling with laughter. With the ability to disembarrass-roam between campaign missions, information technology sometimes feels like Halo Infinite is a comedy game punctuated past brief beats of sincerity - and I love it that way. The most frequent catalysts of unintended in-courageous antics outside of the grunts are the UNSC United States Marines, whose doings has me wondering if any of them actually went through boot camp.

With Halo Innumerable's new give-macrocosm, players have access to Forward Operating Bases or FOBs where you can buoy bid in vehicles and select from an impressive extract of weaponry. All time you regain control o'er a FOB, a smattering of United States Marines will pop up on that point, waiting to hop into your Warthog or follow dutifully behind you happening fundament. These loyal Marines are forever ready to jump into a fight with you, but they aren't all that bright.

During one academic term, I watched in horror as a Naval unit dove into the area flat below an designate Scorpion tank car and proceeded to alternate 'tween ducking for cover and standing at tending until they were unceremoniously flattened. A instant Transport, cunning sufficiency to sales booth just barely inaccessible, walked over and picked up the planar soldier's sniper rifle. Later, I ran to an FOB circumferent to a inebriated value quarry in order to snaffle a limited rocket launcher that I had obtained from other HVT. I scrolled through the menu, selected the rocket launcher, and stepped rearmost as I waited for it to appear. But earlier I could put it in Master Chief's capable hands, a plucky Transport stepped in front of Pine Tree State and took it off the rack. I looked around disbelievingly, inarticulate at her impudence, before letting out a dumfounded titter and summoning another rocket catapult.

When the Marines manage to put on the vehicles rather than get crushed aside them, at that place are some hilarious talks gems just wait to be discovered. Just a few hours into Halo Infinite, afterwards calling in my first Warthog, I accidentally drove myself and two Marines off one of the humble edges of Zeta Halo. As we plummeted towards the large emptiness of blank space, the Marine riding shotgun loudly proclaimed, "yup, I'm gonna be sick."

As any stall-up comic will tell you, comedy isn't easy. Humour is objective and choosing to throw i your plot with fairly consistent drollery is a risky move. If it doesn't hit, players will cringe their way direct gameplay - which is kinda how I feel about the Borderlands franchise. But Halo Infinite player feedback is largely full of praise for its humor, with players pickings to social media to Emily Price Post their deary clips. "For a comedy author this is about as gratifying as a halting found could constitute," Linde writes.

Halo has always had cant-perfect humor, and Halo Innumerable brilliantly doubles down on it. It's been a far time since I've laughed this granitic and this consistently spell playing through a brave's campaign, thanks to both purposeful humor and accidental hijinks.

Halo Infinite ranked is going to ruin my life and I'm okay with it.

Alyssa Mercante is an editor and features writer at GamesRadar based outgoing of Brooklyn, NY. Prior to incoming the industry, she got her Masters's degree in Modern and Contemporary Lit at Newcastle University with a thesis focalization along contemporary indie games. She spends nearly of her time acting competitive shooters and in-depth RPGs and was recently connected a PAX Impanel more or less the best bars in video recording games. In her free time Alyssa rescues cats, practices her Italian, and plays soccer.


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