
On Screen Text Selection Tweak, SwipeSelection Modified For Safari

There are ample of jailbreak tweaks that provides customization and control beyond the stock iOS boundaries. From different packages to stand solitary tweaks, jailbreak has been a interruption through for many users to extend functionality. As well, SwipeSelection is one of the many reasons why people jailbreak their devices which is now modified to work with Safari.

SwipeSelection have been specialized to select on screen text and uses the swiping gestures on keyboard to motility the cursor effectually. All the same, there was a issues in the tweak that caused information technology to piece of work ineffectively with text boxes boxes in the Safari browser. Hence, the SwipeSelection tweak has been modified for perfection and removal of whatsoever hindrance that cause the respective issue.

Salvage Time And Select Piece of cake With Swipeselection Tweak

Fortunately, SwipeSelection is open source then a developer has stock-still the result arising in Safari and modified the version which tin can now be installed from Cydia. At present you tin can control for a improve perfection and select text in Safari, withal, pertaining to the text box selection issue, it still exists. Its just a matter of time when some other programmer would set this issue in a new version and makes information technology available in Cydia.

If yous are willing to give this new modified version a swirl, and then you would take to add a new source to Cydia. But add the following source:

Once you lot did this, open the source and locate SwipeSelection. In case the original version of SwipeSelection pre-exists then it volition be removed automatically and the modified version will take its place. The original developer of SwipeSelection, Kyle Howells stated on reddit that the modified version should have had a different proper name than the original tweak, for this would have avoided any misconception or confusion. Kyle too stated that the original version of SwipeSelection volition be updated in the coming week which would probably have a fix to the Safari issue.

SwipeSelection is a neat tool to salvage you lot a lot of time and provides swipe gesture controls for easy assist and precision. If you want to requite it a attempt, install it from Cydia right away. Every bit for now, let us know in the comments how y'all liked the modified version and what other changes do you run into in the tweak.


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